M.E. Home Biography Gallery1 Gallery2A Gallery2B Gallery3 Hazards Cities IACorn IASoybean OKPopDens Contact
I live in the Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Area and have interests in geography, geographic information systems (GIS), meteorology, and green technologies. On this web site, you will find my Biography, the Gallery1, the Gallery2 (A and B), and the Gallery3. The Gallery1 shows pieces of work that I completed while in graduate school, and the Gallery2 and 3 show pieces that I completed after. You will also find maps that I set up with ArcGIS Application Programming Interface (API) from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) in Natural Hazards, Cities, Iowa Corn/Soybean Production Changes, and Oklahoma Population Density. Look at the links at the top portion of this Home page.

I am a member of the American Meteorological Society and North American Cartographic Information Society. I am also a lifetime member of the Association of American Geographers, National Weather Association, and American Geophysical Union.

**If you want to see the Hazards and Cities pages that are done with Microsoft Silverlight, please use Internet Explorer (IE). Find IE from the Windows Accessories folder on the Windows 10 Operating System.
This page was designed by Mike Egner. 2019.